--Excerpt from Howard Blooms' 'The Lucifer Principle'

[in Moscow]
Introducing Alexandre Farto aka 'Vhils'
Vhils uses a giant assortment of mediums and techniques to achieve his brilliant art; from etching into dilapidated stucco walls to homemade bleach concoctions and from said homemade bleach concoctions to good old fashioned Pollock inspired paint chucks, Vhils leaves each piece adorned with his unique weather-stripped signature. These pieces only get better with time.

“Nothing Lasts Forever”


'Burned Memories'
Introducing fellow musician, artist, and friend; Colin McCaffrey.

O Fortuna (2007) - Graphite

Self Portrait (2007) - Pen, charcoal, and marker.

Dans Smile 2007 - Pen, colored pencil, and marker – from a photo where Dan Anderson (a member of the Paul T. Anderson clan), had painstakingly kicked his own teeth out at a show.

Self Portrait (2008) - Tissue paper and sharpies on cardboard

Untitled (2008)

Autophagy 2007 - Colored pencils and pen and chalk. Freehand duplicate of circulating postcard.
"Growth for the sake of growth is the idealogy of the cancer cell"
(O crescimento pelo crescimento é a ideologia da célula cancerígena.)
-Edward Abbey

Klone in Tel-Aviv (Photo courtesy of Unurth.com)
By the way, Unurth is definitely worth a check-out, their email list is unprecedented – new street art from around the world every day!
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